About the workshop
“When Citizens Complain” is a high-level workshop for Ombudsmen, Human Rights Commissioners, complaint handling organisations and their senior staff. It aims to:
• Improve public services and promote good governance
• Raise awareness of the importance of the Ombudsman, human rights and complaints Commissioners in dealing with corruption and human rights violations
• Explore a variety of systems and approaches to complaint handling and dispute resolution, including how to make the best use of technology in dealing with complaints remotely
• Improve understanding of the needs of vulnerable complainants and explore ways of meeting those needs.
What the workshop will cover
The workshop will cover issues of principle and practice relating to the role of Ombudsman offices, Human Rights Commissions and complaint handling organisations and will provide a balance between tutorial sessions, discussions and visits. A key element for sharing experience and best practice will be sessions during which you will be invited to give an informal presentation on your own office and complaints system. You will be asked to describe your approach to handling a range of cases and will be involved in problem-solving exercises and discussions groups.
How participants will benefit
The workshop will:
• Broaden your knowledge of the concept and institution of the Ombudsman and variations of the Ombudsman model
• Learn from the experience and expertise of the UK Ombudsman offices, complaint handling organisations, parliamentarians, lawyers, civil servants and leading scholars and practitioners
• Improve your capacity to manage investigations, produce effective reports, communicate with the public and other key stakeholders and deal with the media
• Make international comparisons and identify areas for developing and improving your own Ombudsman, human rights and complaint handling system
• Develop practical skills in managing the business of your office
• Familiarise you with how Ombudsman and complaint-handling organisations deal with complaints and redress grievances.