About the workshop
Strategy is crucial to building an organisation that is focused on the future, while at the same time developing policies that work today. Short-term thinking, lack of engagement with stakeholders as part of the process and weak understanding of how to identify and manage risks have all contributed to numerous policy failures.
This workshop will provide you with a suite of tools and techniques for developing strategy, policy and scenario planning, through a series of practical exercises based on a case study. You will understand the essential elements and stages of policy-making. You will also hear from a UK strategy unit and other experienced practitioners and consider examples of best practice. This workshop will enable you to establish a series of long-term visions and, from that, some medium and short-term objectives and policies, as well as to explore how best to implement them, with methods of monitoring and evaluating their success.
What the workshop will cover
During this workshop we will explore:
• What is meant by strategic thinking, scenario planning and policy formulation
• How to write your long-term vision and objectives
• Effective use of evidence in policy
• Engaging with stakeholders
• Selecting and analysing policy options
• How to identify and mitigate policy risks
• Planning for implementation
• Monitoring and evaluation of policy and learning from the results.
How participants will benefit
The workshop will enable you to:
• Understand how to set long-term goals and develop policies that will help meet them
• Establish a framework for strategic thinking and policy development
• Recognise the need to plan early for policy implementation and what is involved in that
• Think creatively about policy solutions (options)
• Draw up action plans for delivery, monitoring and evaluation of policy and sharing the lessons learnt
• Develop your skills in communicating your strategy to others
• Agree and understand a common language about policy and strategy and share good practice with your colleagues.