Putting People First: Practical ways of improving customer service – Dubai

In Leadership and Organisational Change by Amanda Anderson

Duration: 1 week
Dates: 13 to 17 October 2025 

Tuition fees: £2,550 (exc. VAT)

About the workshop
Establishing a robust and responsive system of customer care has become widely recognised as a key goal for all organisations concerned with the management and delivery of public services. Increasingly, citizens cannot be treated as passive and grateful recipients of services such as education, housing and public health. They are entitled to be regarded as customers, to be treated with due care, courtesy and respect and with regard paid to their concerns and complaints.

What the workshop will cover
Drawing upon UK and international experience, the workshop explores the key elements needed to develop a strong organisational culture of customer care, underpinned by appropriate structures for customer-focused service delivery. The workshop will examine mechanisms for processing customer feedback and complaints, making appropriate use of smart technology and social media. The workshop will also consider the effects of changes such as the use of artificial intelligence on the effective delivery of customer services operations.

How participants will benefit
The workshop will:
• Familiarise you with the process of culture change that may be needed to enhance the treatment of citizens as valued customers
• Discuss the impact of global changes on the relationships between citizens and service providers
• Introduce you to a range of tools and techniques for gathering data on customer concerns and requirements
• Look at mechanisms for handling and learning from customer complaints and feedback
• Consider lessons that can be learned by the public sector from the private/non-government sectors, and vice versa
• Explain ways of developing service standards and the use of benchmarking
• Review the development and coordination of digital services and the advantages and disadvantages of using smart technology and social media in achieving excellent service delivery.