Better Policies; Better Lives: Using behavioural insights to improve policy making

In Policy and Strategy by publicadmin

Duration: 1 week
Dates: 15 to 19 September 2025
Tuition fees: £2,550 (exc. VAT)

About the workshop
Over the last decade the use of behavioural insights/ behavioural sciences and randomised control trials (RCTs) have led to significant improvements in the evaluation and formulation of public policies in a wide range of important areas including, for example:
• Strengthening public finances through better tax collection procedures
• Increasing results at school through tutoring
• Reducing gender bias and child poverty by creating more active roles for women in government
• Facilitating greater access to clean water in rural communities
• Solving social problems and gender discrimination
• Using a fiscal policy to design RCTs: How governments are finding evidence to reduce social exclusion.

What the workshop will cover
The workshop will include:
• Familiarisation with the concept of behavioural insights and how it has evolved from a combination of behavioural science concepts, economic experiments, social psychology and intuition
• The use of real-life examples and case studies to demonstrate how behavioural insights are contributing to better policy evaluation and policy formulation across the world
• An explanation of the techniques used to make good use of behavioural insights, including designing and running randomised control trials and experiments and interpreting the results
• Discussions individually and in groups to identify how behavioural insights might be applied and/or extended in your own country
• Visits to organisations in the UK to discuss with practitioners how behavioural insights are used to improve policy making in practice.

How participants will benefit
The workshop is designed to give you:
• An understanding of how behavioural insights are becoming increasingly relevant in a fast-changing world
• An introduction to the latest techniques used by leading practitioners in this relatively new area of public administration. Real case: Minimum wages and social inclusion
• An opportunity to develop and refine your policy making skills with the aim of making significant improvements in the lives of people directly affected by the policies
• Tools to predict people’s behaviour and to foresee potential unintended consequences of public policies aimed at improving the quality of citizens’ lives
• Access to an international network of experts who are leaders in this rapidly evolving area of work
• Benefit from a potential network of contacts of people interested in the development of RCTs and behavioural insights to develop public policy.