A Single Version of the Truth: Rebuilding confidence in institutions through better information

Hosts: Neil McCallum and Tanya Karlebach

To view this webinar please click on the below video link.

In the aftermath of the disputed US election, ex-President Barack Obama has been talking about the need for all of us to be able to find and agree what he describes as a ‘common set of facts’ as the basis on which to debate policies and explore futures. This theme was explored in our article by Workshop Director, Neil McCallum, on ‘a single version of the truth,’ earlier this year. Perhaps never before have we so needed the effective collection, collation, categorisation and management of information to identify our way forward, whether it is in combating a pandemic, rebuilding our economies or healing a fractured nation.

This free webinar, on 10 December at 1.30 p.m. GMT, led by Neil, will consider what this means in reality, in particular in respect of public sector information. It will touch on the underlying principles of effective information management, where this is taking us today and offer you an opportunity to be part of this critically important debate.