Workshop on Public Administration Reform for fifteen senior officials from a range of central Government Ministries. Funded by the UNDP.
Turkey 2008
Organised and delivered a short study visit for officials from the Ministry of National Education. Focussed on implementation practices related to education administration, including corporate governance, organisation and planning, performance …
Azerbaijan 2007
Workshop on ombudsman and human rights complaints run for the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in Azerbaijan, funded by the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights …
Bulgaria 2007
Organised a study tour to the UK for ten senior participants from Bulgaria, including the Deputy Minister of State Administration, the Executive Director of the Institute of Public Administration, the Director of Strategic Planning from …
Lebanon 2007
Workshop on Trust in Government : promoting ethics, integrity and professional standards for the Institute of Finance, Government of the Lebanon. Funded by the British Embassy.
Armenia 2006
Designed and organised a special study programme on Raising the Role of the Media in Monitoring Government Programmes for journalists from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. Commissioned by the British Council.
Kosovo 2005 and 2006
Two special study programmes for members of the Government Coordination Secretariat, Office of the Prime Minister, Kosovo. Meetings and discussions with senior UK counterparts in the Cabinet Office, UK national Parliament, Scottish Parliament and Scottish Executive.
Serbia 2005
Workshop on Enhancing Communication in Customer Care for the People’s Office. Funded by the British Council.
Russia 2004
Programme on Performance Management and Human Resource Policy Developments in the UK Civil Service for a group of Russian government officials. Organised within the framework of the EC Tacis funded …
Armenia 2015
Development of a methodology and training on job evaluation for the Civil Service Council and Human Resource Managers in line Ministries. Funded by the World Bank and implemented in a …