Next Generation Human Resources: Transforming people management in the public sector

In Human Resource Management by publicadmin

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Next Generation Human Resources:
Transforming people management in the public sector

Duration: 1 week
Dates: 18 to 22 June 2018
Tuition fees: £2,155 (exc. VAT)

 About the programme
Our workshop, which is held in London, uses the experience in the UK and internationally to focus on:

  • The modernising agenda to develop public sector people so that they can deliver enhanced public services
  • The variety of new ways public sector organisations are managing and developing their people
  • The best people management process for delivering “best in class” talent and learning and development
  • Public sector human resources (HR) reform and improving capability of civil servants to work collaboratively and deliver services effectively and efficiently.


We will cover the practical issues surrounding the management of public servants, as well as the main themes being addressed in the UK Government’s programme of reforming and modernising HR.


This workshop can be linked to two of our other annual workshops – Choosing the Right People and Public Service Commissions.


Who is it for?
The workshop is designed to meet the needs of senior policy makers and managers and their senior staff, HR managers and others involved in leading or managing public servants. It will also be relevant for people responsible for improving civil service efficiency, effectiveness and performance in their respective public services.


How participants will benefit
The workshop is designed to:

  • Explore the UK approach to improving the effectiveness of the civil and public service and the capabilities required for staff at all levels
  • Enable you to consider the people framework and understand the stages and the requirements of HR managers and other staff who manage/lead staff
  • Give you an opportunity to explore the work of the UK Government’s Civil Service Resourcing and Learning, Ministries and Agencies responsible for civil and public service and understand the types of work undertaken by public servants and the new approaches to developing capability
  • Provide a forum for you to review and improve your approach to managing people and creating and maintaining teams
  • Encourage you to share your own experiences, review your own challenges and prepare an action plan to meet those challenges.


Please view our  Brochure 2018 (opens in a PDF document)
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