Film, governance and society: Funding, classification and promotion

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Film, governance and society: Funding, classification and promotion

Duration: 1 week
Dates: Please contact us for 2016 dates
Tuition fees:

About the workshop
As more countries participate and collaborate in film production as producers, co-producers and providing film locations, but above all as audiences, film is an excellent means of shared communication and cultural exchange in a global context. For audiences overseas, often this is the best way to gain insights into another country’s culture and its citizens’ lives and aspirations. With new technologies providing wider access for many audiences, film has become an increasingly shared experience for people in small isolated villages as well as cosmopolitan city centres.

Film production is also, of course, a productive part of an economy and may become a significant element of international trade and employment. An important connection for the UK industry is the European Union, which is heavily committed to film funding, not only in Europe but in other parts of the world.

The UK has had a film industry for over a hundred years. Regulation of film and cinemas began in the first decade of the 20th century, and now film is regarded as one of the leading creative industries. This international study programme offers a chance to meet with others working in the film industry. Using the UK model as one example, it also provide an opportunity to work out what is good practice in areas such as regulation, classification and censorship, funding, film policy and promotion, location shooting and related areas.

Who is it for?
The workshop is designed mainly for senior policy-makers and executives working in government ministries and agencies, regulatory and funding bodies and in non-government organisations concerned with the funding, promotion, regulation or censorship of film industries. Applications will also be welcome from film-makers and others involved in the film industry who wish to gain insights into the role of the state in promoting film and to engage in dialogue with officials with responsibilities in different areas in the film industry.

How participants will benefit
The workshop will:

  • Broaden your knowledge and understanding of the structure and governance of film industries in different countries
  • Examine the relationships between national governments and film industries and suggest ways in which these relationships may be improved
  • Raise awareness of the issues and problems surrounding state regulation, censorship, funding and promotion of film industries, and suggest ways in which these issues and problems can be addressed.

Please view our Brochure 2015 (opens in a PDF document)

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