Doing business: Promoting private sector development and economic growth

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Doing business: Promoting private sector development and economic growth

Duration: 1 week
Dates: 24 – 28 October 2015
Tuition fees: £1,950 (exc. VAT)

About the programme
How can governments develop policies to support private sector development?  How can economies create a favourable climate for economic growth, and which policy instruments work best?   Significant economic and political issues are at stake.  These include: the increasingly competitive world market for goods and services; the links between private sector development, economic growth and employment; the question of regional development; and the balance between freeing business from paperwork while maintaining an effective regulatory framework. The United Kingdom has long experience of successfully promoting business and economic growth while reducing unnecessary bureaucracy.  According to the latest World Bank report, Doing Business 2013, the UK is in seventh place worldwide out of 185 economies on ease of doing business.  It has been a long and challenging process which has not always been straightforward – and there is still much debate in the UK on questions such as employment protection, corporate governance and the role of the private sector in delivering public services.  The programme aims to look at the experience of a range of economies, including the UK, in addressing the challenges of encouraging private sector development.
Who is it for?
This study programme is designed primarily for:

  • Senior policy makers and managers in trade, industry and business Ministries and agencies charged with stimulating business development
  • Senior officials in Government Ministries concerned with economic and financial policy
  • Investment promotion agencies responsible for attracting investors
  • Staff of donor organisations looking to encourage private sector development.

How participants will benefit
The study programme will:

  • Introduce you to UK Ministries and other national bodies dealing with economic and business growth
  • Consider aspects of UK best practice that could be applied elsewhere to promote private sector development, for example Local Enterprise Partnerships, better regulation initiatives, business incubation projects etc.
  • Encourage action planning on ideas for necessary reforms in your own country so as to help stimulate growth and employment.

“I was very pleased to attend the programme.  It gives a practical approach to different perspectives on promoting inward investment, especially on looking at the World Bank’s Doing Business Report and going deeper into it.”
Mrs Ma Jesusa Bato Senior Economist Department of Finance,
Please view our Brochure 2015 (opens in a PDF document)

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