Welcome to PAI’s news and views page. You will find news on recent consultancy projects, information on our range of workshops and insights from Workshop Directors and speakers and feedback from participants.
Advising the Office of the Prime Minister, Lesotho
Our new project in Lesotho is focussed on developing a Strategic Plan for the Office of the Prime Minister and conducting a Functional Review of the OPM to assist it in providing the strategic leadership to co-ordinate Government activities and programmes, including the National Strategic Development Plan. The review of the OPM aims to ensure that its organisational structure, functions and human resources are aligned to enable it to contribute fully to Lesotho’s development aspirations. We are looking forward to working with the Government of Lesotho and with the United Nations Development Programme, which is funding the assignment.
Welcoming senior judges from Nigeria
We were privileged to welcome a group of senior judges from the Supreme Court and the High Court of Nigeria recently. In partnership with J-Vission Strategy Consulting, Nigeria, we designed and delivered a four-day professional development workshop focussing on justice, fairness and the rule of law. Presentations and lively debate included areas such as balancing justice with fairness, threats and challenges to the rule of law, consistency in sentencing, special measures for vulnerable people in the court system and improving efficiency in case management. One of the highlights of the programme was a visit to the Supreme Court in London to meet the President and hear about how the UK Supreme Court operates. We are very grateful to the President, court staff and our excellent speakers for sharing their expertise and advice so willingly.
PAI project takes off in Kosovo
We’ve just started a new project in Kosovo, a country which is very familiar to us. In partnership with Prishtina REA of Kosovo, we are providing advice to the Ministry of European Affairs and the Civil Aviation Authority on assessing the national legal framework for the civil aviation sector against the European Common Aviation Area (ECAA) and the Single European Sky legal arrangements. Our consultants will also be drafting a new Law on Civil Aviation, as well as related regulations. The project is financed under the “Knowledge for Reform Action in the Western Balkans” programme managed by the United Nations Office for Project Services. It’s great to be back!
Our new project in Montenegro
In collaboration with the European Policy Center (CEP) in Serbia, we have been awarded a contract by the United Nations Office for Project Services to support the Ministry of European Affairs and the Administration for Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Affairs in Montenegro to revise the existing legal framework related to plant protection products. The main aim is to identify gaps and discrepancies in relation to relevant EU regulations and directives and to provide recommendations for drafting legislative amendments needed for harmonising Montenegrin legislation and regulations with that of the EU.