Project references
Lesotho 2025
A project focussed on developing a Strategic Plan for the Office of the Prime Minister and conducting a Functional Review of the OPM to assist it in providing the strategic leadership to co-ordinate Government activities and programmes, including the National Strategic Development Plan. The review of the OPM aims to ensure that its organisational structure, functions and human resources are aligned to enable it to contribute fully to Lesotho’s development aspirations. Funded by the United Nations Development Programme.
Kosovo 2024 to 2025
Advice to the Ministry of European Affairs and the Civil Aviation Authority in Kosovo on assessing the existing national legal framework for the civil aviation sector against the European Common Aviation Area (ECAA) and the Single European Sky legal arrangements and drafting a new Law on Civil Aviation, as well as related regulations. The project is implemented jointly with our partner, Prishtina REA, and is financed under the “Knowledge for Reform Action in the Western Balkans” programme managed by the United Nations Office for Project Services.
Montenegro 2024 to 2025
Advising the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs of Montenegro on alignment of the national legislation in the area of interoperability and safety in railways with the EU acquis (Chapter 14). The services included preparing a concordance table with the respective EU regulations, amending the existing draft Law on Interoperability and Safety in Railways, participation in public debates on the draft law and consultation with the Government on the legislative amendments. Funded by UNOPS.
Montenegro 2024
Strengthening the capacities of the Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism and other institutions in the Government of Montenegro on developing strategic noise maps, calculating noise levels, acoustical zoning, noise monitoring, noise measurement, planning and implementing noise control measures. This, in turn, aimed to help the Government in drafting a Noise Protection Action Plan to serve as a basis for the transposition, implementation and enforcement of the EU acquis on environment and climate change (Chapter 27). Funded by UNOPS and implemented in collaboration with the European Policy Center (CEP), Serbia (2024).
Montenegro 2024
Supporting the Ministry of European Affairs and the Administration for Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Affairs in Montenegro with the revision of the existing legal framework related to plant protection products to identify gaps and discrepancies in relation to relevant EU regulations and directives. Main aim of the project is to provide recommendations for drafting legislative amendments needed for harmonising Montenegrin legislation and regulations with that of the EU. Funded by UNDP and implemented in collaboration with the European Policy Center (CEP), Serbia.
Oman 2024
Within the scope of the FCDO-funded Oman Economic Development programme, implemented by Tetra Tech, our technical advisor provided policy advice to the Government of Oman to develop a decentralisation strategy and roadmap, with clear definition of roles and responsibilities at different levels, including devolution of responsibility and accountability from central government to regional governments and reporting lines from regional to central government.
The Gambia 2024
A World Bank funded project to conduct a horizontal functional review of all the Gambian Ministries and a selection of Agencies. This is an intensive assignment covering over fifty institutions to be reviewed in three months. Our team will be identifying overlaps and gaps in organisational mandates and functions in order to improve the operational effectiveness and efficiency of the Government.
Barbados 2023 – 2024
Conducting Functional Reviews of Six Government Ministries for the Government of Barbados to assess core functions, organisational structures and staffing to: determine their strategic alignment within the respective Ministry; assess the overall effectiveness and efficiency of each Ministry in achieving their mandate; provide recommendations for greater strategic alignment across Government. Funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (2023 to 2024).
Jamaica 2023 – 2024
Working with the Integrity Commission to support them in developing a National Anti-Corruption Strategy. Conducting research into the integrity and anti-corruption environment in Jamaica, exploring strategies in other comparable countries, assisting the Integrity Commission in carrying out consultation exercises with a wide range of stakeholders and drafting the Strategy and an implementation plan. Funded by the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund, UK Government.
Ireland 2022 – 2024
Review of organisational structures and design of the Irish Civil and Public Service. Providing support to Irish national authorities in improving their capacity to design, develop and implement reforms. Technical advice includes undertaking an in-depth analysis or Irish Civil and Public Service structures and design following the Covid-19 pandemic and the emerging impact of Brexit. Funded by the EC and implemented in consortium with KMPG Ireland.
Albania 2023 – 2027
Technical assistance to the Government of Albania, implemented under the EU for Good Governance programme and aimed at contributing to a more capable and responsive public sector, oriented towards the needs of citizens and businesses, as well as advancing progress with EU integration. Specific project objectives include strengthening the Government’s capacity in policy making and implementation, including integrated and efficient planning, budgeting and coordination of policies; implementation of the public internal financial control policy; supporting the improvement of EU- related governance and delivery of public services by central agencies and municipalities; improvement of participatory governance and civic dialogue, including public consultation, improvement of transparency and accountability for reform implementation through Government and related independent institutions. Project financed by the European Commission and implemented in consortium with lead firm, Ecorys (Netherlands) and with Particip (Germany).
Ethiopia 2023 – 2024
Support to the Ethiopia Federal Civil Service Commission in establishing the Civil Servants’ Competency Management Centre and developing the system for managing competency assessment and certification processes. Funded by the United Nations Development Programme.
St Helena 2023
Review and updating of the Biosecurity Policy for St Helena to ensure that it provides a suitable basis for the effective delivery of the island’s biosecurity programme and that it is fit for purpose into the future. Project undertaken on behalf of the UK Government’s GB Non-Native Species Secretariat (GBNNSS) and the Government of St Helena and financed by the UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).
North Macedonia 2023 – 2025
A project to provide advice and mentoring for the Cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister on centre of government functioning, effective policy development and co-ordination and good governance. The project includes a benchmarking study visit to the UK for North Macedonian civil servants to meet UK Government counterparts responsible for central policy co-ordination. Funded by the British Embassy, Skopje, and run in partnership with the Centre for Change Management, North Macedonia.
Lesotho 2022 – 2023
Project to carry out an institutional gap assessment of core governance institutions, including the National Assembly and the Senate; the Judiciary; the Office of the Prime Minister; the Ministries of Justice and Law, Development Planning, Foreign Affairs and International Relations, Defence and National Security and Police and Public Safety. The purpose is to develop medium and large-scale implementation arrangements for agreed national reforms. Funded by UNDP.
Cambodia 2022 – 2023
Technical assistance and support to Royal School of Administration and National School of Local Administration with updating the training modules on innovation learning, shaping it into a certificate programme and provide coaching and mentoring to support the programme implementation. Funded by UNDP.
Barbados 2022 – 2023
Development of a Human Resources Transformation Strategy, Human Resources Model and Strategic Workforce Plan for the public sector in Barbados. The main counterpart Ministry is the Ministry of Public Service and human resources support is being provided to a further five Ministries, as part of the Government’s wide-ranging Public Sector Modernisation Programme. Funded by the Inter-American Development Bank.
Croatia 2022
Job evaluation exercise in the Croatian public sector to develop a new, logical and consistent job classification system and a new grading structure suitable for further expansions to the Government of Croatia workforce and roles, enabling the Government to establish fair, equitable pay based on the content of jobs (job-based pay). Funded by the World Bank and implemented in collaboration with KPMG Croatia.
North Macedonia 2022 – 2023
A programme of knowledge, experience-sharing and mentoring for newly-appointed Members of the Commission for Prevention and Protection Against Discrimination, aimed to build capacity and competence and the CPPD’s organisational effectiveness in protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens of North Macedonia, contributing to equal opportunities and access to resources for all. Includes a study visit to London and Belfast. Run in collaboration with the Centre for Change Management, North Macedonia and funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (2022 to 2023).
North Macedonia 2022 – 2022
Participated in a seminar on Serving Citizens Better as part of the Advanced Leadership in Politics Institute seminar series for young politicians and civil society leaders from North Macedonia. Run in partnership with the International Republican Institute with funding from USAID.
Somaliland 2021 – 2022
A technical assistance project to analyse the existing labour market, develop a pay and grading policy reform, conduct a job evaluation exercise and prepare job descriptions for Somaliland civil servants. The project is financed by the World Bank and is implemented in a consortium with SSG (2021 to 2022).
Botswana 2022 – 2022
Project to undertake a review of the leadership, work ethics and work culture challenges within the Botswana National Productivity Centre. Focussing on designing and implementing a capacity development learning programme that leverages a mixture of tools and approaches based on global best practice. Funded by the UNDP (2022 to 2022).
Azerbaijan 2021 – 2023
Project of Support to the Civil Service Reform System, aimed at reinforcing the capacity of the Civil Service Commission (SEC) in recruitment, promotion and performance evaluation of civil servants; strengthening the capacity of the SEC in continuous professional development and career planning; and organising public awareness raising events for the project. Funded by the EC (2021 to 2023).
Turkey 2021 – 2023
Project to raise awareness and improve the Turkish Government’s capacity in policy making, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of labour migration and national employment policies and provide support with sectoral studies and research. Implemented in a consortium led by WYG (Turkey) and funded by the European Commission.
Lesotho 2020 -2021
Conducting an institutional review of the Lesotho Tourism Development Corporation, including assessing the structure and functions of the Corporation, carrying out a benchmarking exercise to compare best practices in tourism development and setting out options for the future development of the Corporation and the tourism sector in Lesotho. Funded by the African Development Bank.
Europe 2016 – 2021
A project to develop and implement a Leadership and Management Development Programme for Directors and staff at Frontex, the European Border and Coastguard Agency, based in Warsaw. The assignment includes reviewing key background documents prior to meetings with senior Directors and managers to define and help develop Frontex’s vision for corporate leadership; designing and delivering a series of one-day team workshops; facilitating team development and coaching events and conducting individual coaching and mentoring. Funded by Frontex.
British Virgin Islands 2018 – 2021
Public Service Transformation Programme funded by the UK’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund, supporting the Government of the British Virgin Islands with its programme of transformative change and improvement. Our team of consultants are working closely with the Transformation Team set up in the Office of the Deputy Governor in the aftermath of the devastation cause by the hurricane and floods in 2017. Our work with the public service is closely aligned with the BVI’s Recovery and Development Plan.
Worldwide 2018 – 2020
Evaluation of Greenpeace International’s People Strategy 2018 to 2020. The project involved conducting an independent assessment of whether the People Strategy delivered its intended changes and how far it generated learning to inform the next version of the People Strategy for 2021 to 2023. Funded by Greenpeace International (2020).
Ireland 2020 – 2021
Review of the hierarchical grading structure of the Irish Civil Service. The project involves developing a good understanding of strengths and weaknesses of the current grading structure, conducting an organisational re-design of the Civil Service and recommending future initiatives, the rationale and factors needed to improve the grading structure. Funded by the EC and implemented in consortium with KPMG Ireland.
North Macedonia – 2020 – 2021
Project aimed at assisting the Government of North Macedonia to reform its energy sector through support in updating key economic indicators of the National Strategy for Energy Development 2040, drafting of an evidenced-based five-year programme for implementing the strategy, designing and launching a communications plan so that Government, civil society, industry and citizens are aware of the environmental benefits and opportunities set out in the strategy. This project is financed through the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office’s Good Governance Fund Technical Assistance Facility – Western Balkans and is implemented in a consortium led by Tetra Tech, together with the Macedonian Academy of Science and Arts and Centre for Change Management.
Mongolia 2020 – 2021
Developing, institutionalising and rolling out of a Civil Service Competency Framework through using participatory approaches, providing toolkits, piloting the Framework and monitoring its implementation. The Competency Framework is for all positions at two selected Government bodies and for all grade levels. Funded by UNDP.
Occupied Palestinian Territories (West Bank and Gaza) 2020
The objective of the Identification Study for Action on Gender Equality in Palestine (AAP 2021) is to support the European Union Representative Office in identifying and formulating an EU Action to support gender mainstreaming in policies developed by Palestinian institutions at local and governmental level, as well as within the five pillars of the EU Joint Strategy. In addition, the study explored interventions aiming at tackling Gender Based Violence by improving existing policies and proposing new actions.
Ukraine 2019
Support to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade in Ukraine in establishing the National Office for Intellectual Property (IP Office) by developing new regulations and job descriptions for key staff positions. Funded through the UK Good Governance Fund.
Serbia 2019 – 2020
Support to the State Audit Institution (SAI) in capacity building to perform effective IT audits and to act as an independent oversight body based on accountability and integrity, including through a methodology for IT Audit developed and SAI staff trained in its use, triangle of responsibility between citizens (including Parliament), SAI and auditees established for IT Audit and other selected audits, key SAI HRM processes capacities designed and a Code of Ethics adopted. The project was funded through the UK Good Governance Fund.
Turkey 2019 – 2022
Develop institutional capacity of the Directorate General on Migration Management and the Ministry of Labour in policy monitoring and evaluation through design and delivery of the specialised training to their staff. Funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
North Macedonia 2019
Designed and delivered a training of trainers’ programme on legal writing and legal reasoning skills for judged and students of the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors. Funded by the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
Kosovo 2018 – 2020
Project to strengthen the capacity of Kosovo institutions, including the Kosovo Competition Authority, the State Aid Department of the Ministry of Finance and the Public Procurement Review Body. The main objective is to promote a level playing field in the public and private sector and to fight corruption. Funded by the UK Government’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund.
North Macedonia 2018 – 2019
An assessment of the potential gender implications of all performance improvement initiatives across the project and recommendations on how women can best be represented in terms of corporate governance within the scope of the following projects: “Increase public accountability and transparency in North Macedonia through improved implementation of State Audit Office recommendations” and “Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the administrative justice system in Macedonia”. The project was funded through the UK Good Governance Fund.
Ukraine 2018
Assistance to the Pension Fund of Ukraine (PFU) in analysing and optimising selected processes and procedures with a view to improving operations and quality of services provided by the Funded through the UK Good Governance Fund.
North Macedonia 2018
Reviewing the current Cabinet management system, developing an assessment methodology, drafting a manual on the assessment and preparing recommendations for improvements. Funded by USAID and implemented under a sub-contract to AECOM.
Turkey 2013 – 2015
Technical Assistance for the Implementation and Monitoring of Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education Grant Scheme (EDCHRE) project includes a wide range of activities from delivery of training programmes to construction of a web-based Monitoring Implementation System in order to support the Grant Beneficiaries of EDCHRE. Funded by the European Commission.
Serbia 2018
Supporting the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Government in Serbia in implementing the Policy Framework for Human Resource Management in the Civil Service by providing advice on managerial accountability and an input to a concept paper for legislative changes related to the delegation of authority in the state administration. The project was funded through the UK Good Governance Fund.
Moldova 2019
Designed and delivered a certified training programme on export and international trade for representatives of companies and business service providers from both banks of the Nistru River. Funded by UNDP and delivered jointly with AID (Moldova) and the UK Institute of Export.
Kosovo 2018
Scoping study to strengthen the Kosovo Competition Authority and the State Aid Department of the Ministry of Finance. Provided a gap analysis and assessment of needs for future support from the UK Government. Funded by the UK Government’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund.
Kosovo 2018
Sida funded project to strengthen the National Statistics System of Kosovo, particularly to support the Kosovo Agency of Statistics. Assessment of the state of the KAS and the National Statistics System and design of a programme of support for future development and strengthening. Implemented in partnership with SKL, Sweden.
Kosovo 2016 – 2020
Sida funded four-year framework contract to build capacity in policy development for the Office of the Prime Minister, in particular its General Co-ordination Secretariat, Legal Office, Strategic Planning Office and Public Communications Office, as well as in line Ministries. Implemented in partnership with Europartners Development, Albania, and Humelica, Belgium.
Guyana 2018 – 2019
Strengthening the Human Resource Management tools and mechanisms of the Guyana Police Force by developing and implementing a Human Resource Management Plan with recommendations for strengthening leadership and management; developing and implementing a Performance Assessment Framework and conducting a staff training programme so as to support the implementation of both. The project was funded by the Inter-American Development Bank.
Georgia 2018 – 2019
Increasing the capacity of the Ministries’ Policy Units in public policy analysis through training and consultation support. Project funded by UNDP and implemented in a consortium with GEC and CTC, Georgia.
Georgia 2018
Support to the Government of Georgia in improving the financial management and control (FMC) system within the Ministry of Finance and across other government departments, specifically through developing FMC Manual and Roadmap, providing suggestions and recommendations related to FMC processes, preparing and presenting relevant materials for the workshops. Funded through the UK Good Governance Fund.
The Gambia 2019 – 2020
Further project to support the Personnel Management Department of the Office of the President in the next stage of development of the job evaluation, pay and grading system for the civil service. Funded by the World Bank.
Cuba 2019
Workshop on Enterprise and Regulation in Cuba, run in collaboration with the Psychological and Sociological Research Centre, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment. Funded by the British Embassy.
Cuba 2019
Review of training and capacity needs assessment of staff from the Ministry of Higher Education. Funded by the British Embassy.
Cuba 2018
Scoping study and workshop on Public Policy, Public Administration and Governance, run in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education and held in Havana. Funded by the British Embassy.
Cuba 2016
Two workshops on Doing Business Successfully in Cuba, run in collaboration with the Psychological and Sociological Research Centre, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment. Funded by the British Embassy.
Croatia 2020 – 2021
PAI consultants provided advice to the Croatia Tax Administration (CTA) on advancing its digital transformation by improving and re-engineering its core Information System (IS). Specific support included developing recommendations to improve CTA’s core IS, develop specifications for the core IS, revise the IS strategy and produce an action plan, and develop a funding framework for IS investments. Project is financed by the European Commission under the Structural Reform Support Services (SRSS) framework contract and implemented in a consortium with KPMG.
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2016 – 2017
Assistance to the Government of BiH in preparing an Action Plan for the implementation of Quality Management Standards (QMS) in State-level institutions of BiH. Drafting an institutional and capacity development plan to establish the Office of the Coordinator for Public Administration Reform (PARCO) as a State-level Resource Centre for the Common Assessment Framework (CAF). Work included review of relevant documents, interviews with key stakeholders, assessment of the current status of introducing the QMS into the State-level institutions, review of relevant practices in the introduction of QMS in public sector. The project was funded through the UK Good Governance Fund.
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2017 – 2018
Supported the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) in enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of tax collection and administration, specifically by streamlining and shortening the VAT tax registration process, introducing risk-based tax inspection and audit in the Indirect Tax Authority of BiH and increasing the quality of Indirect Tax Authority services. The project was funded through the UK Good Governance Fund.
Armenia 2019 – 2020
Project to establish a Needs-Based Training System in the Civil Service, including developing the main criteria for training civil servants; key principles for establishing training credits; principles for recognition of different types of international certificates; developing a methodology for carrying out the needs assessment; drawing up training programmes and undertaking capacity building activities for the civil service. Based in the Civil Service Office, the project is funded by the World Bank and implemented in partnership with the Institute of Public Administration (Ireland) and Avenue Consulting Group (Armenia).
Armenia 2019 – 2020
Consultancy to identify the institutional model for an Innovation Lab, operating within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), with the aim of assisting the Government to accelerate the implementation of the SDGs through innovative policy-making. Funded by UNDP and implemented jointly with Avenue Consulting Group, Armenia.
Albania 2018 – 2021
EU funded technical assistance to the Government of Albania in implementation of civil service reform across the public sector. The specific objectives include strengthening the management and oversight capacity of the Department of Public Administration (DoPA) in the implementation of civil service and salaries reform; increasing capacities in using different tools for the implementation of business processes and strengthening the capacities of the Albanian School of Public Administration (ASPA) in managing and delivering quality training.
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2017 – 2018
Assistance to the Government of BiH in preparing an Action Plan for the implementation of Quality Management Standards (QMS) in State-level institutions of BiH. The project was funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2015 – 2017
Supporting the EU integration processes in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina through institutional reform, policy advice and capacity development for the Office of European Integration, line Ministries and Cantonal administrations. Also involved in building awareness of the requirements of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA). The project was implemented in collaboration with Foreign Policy Initiative (BiH) and was funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Georgia 2016
Support for the strategic objectives of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, Government of Georgia, through introducing a Human Resources Management system. Implemented in partnership with PwC. Funded by the UK Department for International Development.
Serbia 2016
Support to the Government of Serbia in developing a methodology for the analysis of changes in trade regimes; provided key policy inputs into analysis, recommendations and conclusions and key policy inputs during the preparation of five studies in key priority trade areas. The project was funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Macedonia 2016 – 2018
Strengthening the capacities of the Ministry of Information Society and Administration in implementing public administration reform, improvement of the legal framework on electronic management, implementation of e-services, improvement of service quality measurement and strengthening of policy co-ordination processes. Funded by the European Commission.
Georgia 2017 – 2018
Methodological and training support to the Government of Georgia in the implementation of the Law on the Civil Service. Services included development of a change readiness assessment, drafting a change management plan, training civil servants in change management and providing on-demand coaching. Implemented in partnership with GEC Development Corporation, Georgia. Funded by UNDP.
Lesotho 2017
Assisting the Department of Policy and Strategic Planning within the Ministry of Development Planning to formulate a National Human Resources/ Manpower Development Policy. Services included consultations/stakeholder meetings/workshops, conducting a skills audit survey, developing projections for national human resources and drafting a policy document. Funded by the Government of Lesotho.
Moldova 2016 – 2017
Technical assistance to the Government of Moldova in improving the administration of public assets with a focus on governance of State Owned Enterprises (SOE) as part of the SoE reform programme and the improvement of accounting and audit practices. Implemented in partnership with PwC. Funded by the UK Department for International Development.
Georgia 2016
Provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Georgia, in improving its performance management systems, including performance appraisals and mentoring. Implemented in partnership with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Funded by the UK Department for International Development.
Moldova 2016
Assistance to the Government of Moldova in preparation of a public awareness campaign on the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) between Moldova and the European Union. Implemented in partnership with PwC. Funded by the UK Department for International Development.
Ukraine 2016
Support to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Government of Ukraine in improving the performance and sustainability of the public procurement reform team. A study that included an overview of international good practices on human resource management, recruitment and performance management. Implemented in partnership with PwC. Funded by the UK Department for International Development.
Serbia 2016
Support to the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Government (MPALG) in designing and steering a communication and awareness-raising campaign for implementation of the Law on General Administrative Procedure. The project was funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey) 2015 – 2016
A series of Leadership Development modules for participants from countries in the Western Balkans which are members of the Regional School of Public Administration (RESPA), based in Montenegro. Aimed to enhance participants’ understanding of leadership in public service policy and delivery, to develop a suite of leadership skills and to develop self-awareness and personal effectiveness. Funded by the British Council/British Embassy.
Commonwealth countries 2015 – 2016
End-Term Review of the Commonwealth Plan of Action on Gender Equality to assess the status and trends in advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment in the Commonwealth from 2005 to 2015. Funded by the Commonwealth Secretariat.
Armenia 2015
Development of a methodology and training on job evaluation for the Civil Service Council and Human Resource Managers in line Ministries. Funded by the World Bank and implemented in a consortium with Avenue Consulting Group (Armenia).
Cuba 2015
Special workshop run in Havana on “Doing Business : promoting economic development and foreign direct investment”. Run in collaboration with the Centre for the Study of the Cuban Economy (CEEC) and funded by the British Embassy, it was very well attended, attracting 40 participants from Government Ministries and agencies at national and regional level, as well as academics.
Eastern Partnership Countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) 2015
Development of strategy for Sida (Swedish Agency for International Development) support for national platforms of the Civil Society Forum in the Eastern Partnership countries. Funded by Sida and implemented in a consortium with SKL International (Sweden).
Kosovo 2014 – 2016
Support to Kosovo’s Policy and Strategic Planning. Advice provided to the Office of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Ministry of European Integration on improving the quality of public policies and to contribute to effective Government decision-making that integrates Kosovo’s development goals with the European integration agenda. In partnership with CPM (Latvia), WYG International (UK), EuroPartners Development (Albania) and Sustainable Strategy and Development Consulting (Kosovo). Funded by the EC.
Commonwealth countries 2014 – 2015
Evaluation of the Commonwealth Secretariat’s support to legislative drafting in Commonwealth countries from 2006 to 2013. An assessment of the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact of the legislative drafting support provided, with a view to defining the focus and form that future assistance should take. Includes field visits to Africa and the Caribbean. Funded by the Commonwealth Secretariat.
Western Balkans 2015
Assessment of options for continued Swedish support to a pluralistic civil society in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Serbia. Study to look at opportunities and challenges for civil society, the enabling environment, the donor context and to identify the main civil society actors and their priorities and programmes in each country. Implemented in partnership with SKL (Sweden) and funded by Sida.
West Bank and Gaza 2015 – 2016
Assignment to identify social protection needs and formulate new projects to support social protection, in line with national and sector strategies, during the period 2016 to 2018. EC funded project.
Palestine 2012 – 2015
Independent external evaluation of programme on Improving Food Security for People in Gaza. Programme implemented by the World Food Programme and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. Implemented in collaboration with Atos (UK) and funded by DFID.
Belarus 2014
In Belarus, we implemented a contract ‘Visibility and communication support for EU-funded assistance’, in partnership with Danish Management under the EC Framework Contract Lot 2. The project aimed to inform the citizens of Belarus about the European Union and to increase visibility, awareness and accessibility of information about EU-funded programmes and projects implemented in the country.
Caribbean 2014
A project in the Caribbean on ‘Technical Assistance to the OECS (Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States) Network of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Training and Education (NETHTE)’. It was funded under EC Framework Contract Beneficiaries Lot 9. Our Technology and Procurement Consultant advising on: establishing and operationalizing the OECS NETHTE; setting up the OECS Centre for Research in Tourism/Hospitality; and establishing the NETHTE Scholarship Foundation (NETHTEF).
Tajikistan 2014
Our project in Tajikistan involved drafting an overview of best practices to support State Audit Institutions internationally, and advised on setting up and operationalising the Accounts Chamber. Our consultants also prepared a concept note for future support to the AC in Tajikistan from the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). The work was funded by SECO, Swiss Confederation.
Tanzania 2014
Project to design and deliver a series of pilot training modules for the Uongozi Institute (the Institute of African Leadership for Sustainable Development), Tanzania. Modules included Joined-Up Government, Effective Communication and Leveraging Technology for E-Services Delivery.
Trinidad and Tobago 2014
Our expert on crisis communications spent a fascinating two days in Port of Spain as key speaker at a regional conference on “Crisis Communication : Transforming PR Crises into Opportunities”. Run by the University of Southern California, the conference attracted more than 120 delegates from government and the private sector.
Cyprus 2013 – 2014
European Commission funded project to evaluate the EU support for acquis alignment and preparation implemented and funded through the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument (TAIEX) for the benefit of the Turkish Cypriot community. The consultancy involved assessment of the efficiency, effectiveness, impact, sustainability and visibility of TAIEX assistance from 2006 to date and lessons learned and recommendations for decision-making on improvements of future financial assistance.
Moldova 2013 – 2014
Project on Public Administration Reform, focusing on establishing a set of managerial competences and developing and piloting a Managerial Training Programme for top managers from the Civil Service in Moldova. Worked in support of the State Chancellery and the Office for Administrative Support. Funded by the World Bank.
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2014
This is the EU-funded project in St Kitts and Nevis revising the Social Development Assistance Act that would provide the appropriate legislative framework to improve the integration and implementation of social protection policies and programmes relevant to the current and future needs of the most vulnerable groups of population in St. Kitts and Nevis such as the National Social Protection Strategy and Plan of Action 2012-2017.
The work is undertaken in collaboration with the National Social Protection Inter-Ministerial Committee, and other key government bodies – the Ministry of Social and Community Development, Culture and Gender Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Information, the Ministry of Health and Social Services, the Ministry of Housing, Public Works, Energy and Public Utilities, the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs and the Ministry of Sustainable Development.
Southern Sudan 2013 – 2014
Core Skills Training (Phase II) Project to provide capacity development for the civil service in human resource management, English language, business English and gender awareness. Based in Juba and five pilot states and implemented in consortium with the British Council, Skills for Southern Sudan and ROI (Netherlands). Funded by the Capaciy Building Trust Fund.
Turkish Cypriot community 2013 – 2014
European Commission funded project to evaluate the EU support for acquis communautaire alignment and preparation implemented and funded through the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument (TAIEX) for the benefit of the Turkish Cypriot community. The consultancy involves assessment of the efficiency, effectiveness, impact, sustainability and visibility of TAIEX assistance from 2006 to date and lessons learned and recommendations for decision-making on improvements of future financial assistance.
Sudan 2012 – 2014
Technical Assistance for the International Partners’ Forum for Human Rights. The project was aimed at enhancing and protecting human rights in Sudan through increasing the effectiveness of the International Partners’ Forum for Human Rights (IPF) by establishing a dialogue with governmental bodies and local and international NGOs.
Gambia 2013
Restructuring of the pay and grading system of the Gambian Civil Service, including determining job categories, developing a salary structure, providing guidelines on job analysis procedures and training key staff on implementation. Funded by the World Bank.
Kosovo and Albania 2013
Swedish International Development Agency funded study to identify possible gaps provided in international support to Albania and Kosovo in the areas of policy management, public administration reform, public financial management reform and local government reform as prioritised by the Governments of Albania and Kosovo, and identify and assess priority areas for Swedish support in this field.
Namibia 2013
Development of a public relations strategy and training in public relations and communications for Members of Parliament and staff of the Namibian Parliament. Funded by the European Commission’s European Development Fund as part of the Parliamentary Support Programme.
Seychelles 2013
Final Evaluation of the Governance Capacity Building Programme in Seychelles aiming at (i) making an overall independent assessment about the performance of the programme, paying particular attention to the impact of the project actions against its objectives, and (ii) identifying key lessons and proposing practical recommendations that would lead to conclusions based on objective, credible reliable and valid findings. Funded by the European Commission.
Trinidad and Tobago 2013
Advice on design, development and implementation of an assessment centre for the recruitment and selection of Deputy Permanent Secretaries. Funded by the Services Commissions Department, Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Turkey 2013
Training for senior staff at the Ministry of European Integration on EU negotiating skills in the context of EU accession. Project funded by the British Council in Ankara.
Ukraine 2013
Preparation of terms of reference for bi-lateral co-operation between the Swedish International Development Agency and the Ministry of Finance in the area of gender budgeting. Funded by Sida.
Vietnam 2013
End of project evaluation of the project on Strengthening the Capacities for Budgetary Decision and Oversight of People’s Elected Bodies in Vietnam. Based in Hanoi and selected provinces. Funded by the United Nations Development Programme.
Liberia 2012 – 2013
Assistance to the Government Commission in developing an integrated three-year organisational strategic plan that links programme support and outputs for the mandate areas to guide policy development and implementation strategy work of the Commission. Funded by SIDA.
Macedonia 2012
Support for the Ministry of Information Society and Administration for implementing their action plan for strengthening the Regulatory Impact Assessment Process. Included analysis of the methodology, developing criteria and checklists for ensuring quality of RIA documents and conducted training in advanced techniques for RIA. Funded by the FCO.
Macedonia 2012
Assistance to the Ministry of Information Society and Administration in drafting a new Law on Administration, related by-laws and amendments to other legislation. The project included organising public debates on the draft law and providing training for government lawyers. Funded by EC.
Africa 2009 – 2012
DFID funded project of support to leadership and mentoring for leaders in five African countries – Ethiopia, Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Zambia – as part of the Africa Capacity Building Initiative. Senior African officials were partnered with UK counterparts over a period of eighteen months. Project run in collaboration with the British Council and Warwick Business School, University of Warwick.
Kosovo 2011 – 2012
Assistance with implementing Civil Service and Salaries Legislation. Support to the Ministry of Public Administration and the Kosovo Institute for Public Administration with completing secondary regulations and implementing legislation on job classification, allowances and expenses, redundancy, early retirement, performance appraisal and salaries. Funded by DFID.
Serbia 2011 – 2012
An end-of-programme evaluation of the project on Human Rights Training for judges, prosecutors, lawyers and law enforcement officials. Funded by the Council of Europe.
European Commission Framework Contract on Technical Assistance and Training in all Sectors (Lot 1, Comm 2011) 2011 – 2013
In consortium led by COWI (Belgium) and Safege (Belgium) with eleven other EU-based consultancies, a “framework” contract for the European Commission covering all parts of the world and involving studies and technical assistance in all sectors.
Eritrea 2011 – 2013
European Commission funded project to provide long-term support to the Eritrean Centre for Organisational Excellence (ERCOE), Government of the State of Eritrea. Involved enhancing the efficiency, effectiveness and accountability of public service provision in Eritrea by providing technical and advisory services to ensure the effective and timely implementation of the project “Capacity Building for the Public Administration of Eritrea” and to strengthen the capacity of the ERCOE as a provider of training and consultancy services.
Azerbaijan 2011
Developed a methodology and conducted a gap analysis in the justice and home affairs sector covered by the Comprehensive Institution Building programme. Designed to increase the institutional capacities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Ministry of Justice (MoJ), Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), State Migration Service (SMS), State Border Service (SBS) and the Labour Migration Department under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection. Aimed to enhance efficiency, enforcement of human rights and fundamental freedoms and the overall system of rule of law and to support the process of negotiating, implementing and sustaining the commitments made during the negotiations on the Visa Facilitation and Readmission Agreement. Funded by the European Commission.
Georgia 2011
Technical assistance to support the development of a Twinning Project Fiche for the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation under an EC Framework Contract.
Kyrgyzstan 2011
Assignment to provide specialist governance advice to the DFID Central Asia Programme, in particular to its governance component. Advice included oversight of work in the Kyrgyz Republic and in the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as contributing to the design and business planning process for the new three-year programme in Stability and Democracy. Funded by DFID.
Iraq 2011
Provided advice to the EU and the Iraqi Government on the design of the Higher Legal Education Programme. Work included desk research, consultation with the programme’s stakeholders, drafting of the terms of reference for a service contract, design of the training methodology, identification of the adequate activities to raise access to national and international academic sources, and to reinforce the exchange of the EU and Iraqi academia. The assignment included missions to Jordan and Iraq. Funded by the European Commission.
Macedonia 2011
Advice on developing a strategic plan for the Judicial Training Academy. Assignment covered issues of strategy and strategic planning, curriculum development and training delivery for the Academy. Funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Malaysia 2011
At the request of the Malaysia Law Reform Committee (MLRC), a Law Reform Committee established by the Government of Malaysia, ran a Changing the Law Workshop in Malaysia for 23 participants who came from the Malaysian Law Reform Committee, representatives from Attorney General’s Chambers, Malaysia Bar Council, Malaysia Government Ministries and Agencies, professors and lecturers from the University of Malaysia, law practitioners and policy makers.
Palestine 2011
Provided support to the Office of the EU Representative in assessing the needs and formulating relevant and feasible projects of intervention in the area of social protection. Work included review of the on-going support for social protection, identification of needs and gaps in implementing the national Social Protection Sector Strategy, developing recommendations on the proposed project interventions and detailed programme design to support OPT’s social protection for the period of 2012-2015. Financed by the European Commission.
Rwanda 2011
Job Evaluation, Grading and Career Progression project for the Civil Service, Government of Rwanda. Project based in the Ministry of Labour and Public Service. Funded by the World Bank.
Southern Sudan 2011
Programme of assistance to Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) to provide a human resource management system to the State Ministry of Health in Upper Nile State. Project built capacity of key staff within the Ministry to identify roles and responsibilities of staff, develop clear and consistent performance indicators for formal appraisal of staff and develop an electronic staff database. Funded by the Capacity Building Trust Fund.
Southern Sudan 2011
Programme of assistance to the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) to provide human resource management advice to the Ministry of Labour and Public Service in Jonglei State. Project enhanced the capacity of key staff within the Ministry in developing job descriptions, reforming recruitment policies and drawing up a human resource management manual. Funded by the Capacity Building Trust Fund.
Vietnam 2011
Mid-term review of the Government of Vietnam’s public administration reform strategy. PAI’s consultancy team worked with counterparts in the Ministry of Home Affairs and other key agencies to review progress to date and to make recommendations for priority activities for the remainder of the project. Funded by the United Nations Development Programme.
Ukraine 2009 – 2011
As part of Phase V of the Ukrainian-European Policy and Legal Advice Centre, provided assistance in approximation of the national legislation to that of the EU in all the areas covered by the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, the European Neighbourhood Action Plan and the Association Agreement. Project funded by the European Commission.
Kosovo 2008 – 2011
Assistance to the Ministry of Public Services and other key Ministries, including the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Finance, in drafting laws and secondary legislation on government, on the civil service, on administrative bodies and on civil service salaries and grading. Funded by DFID.
Afghanistan 2008 -2011
A three-year project in support of the Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission (IARCSC) to implement the Government’s new pay and grading policy. Our team of consultants re-graded junior and senior positions in all the ministries in Afghanistan and supported the job evaluation of a significant proportion of 280,000 public sector non-uniformed employees. The job evaluation process placed job-holders in positions in a new eight grade system with corresponding responsibilities. Funded by the World Bank and implemented in consortium with ASI.
Kosovo 2010 – 2012
Project of support to the co-ordination of the Rule of Law Sector. Project was to assist the Government of Kosovo to deliver improvements in the rule of law sector, consistent with European integration aims. In collaboration with PricewaterhouseCoopers, who were the lead firm. Funded by DFID.
Ethiopia 2010
Advice to the Ethiopian Institution of the Ombudsman on Freedom of Information legislation and its implementation and on records management principles and practice. Funded by the Ethiopian Institution of the Ombudsman.
ENPI East Countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) 2010
Provided assistance to the EC in formulating and launching the first Eastern Partnership Culture programme. Included a comprehensive consultation with programme beneficiaries in participating countries, drafting of the programme fiche, Terms of Reference for the service contract, guidelines for grant applicants and organisations of two public events (Brussels and Kyiv) to launch the programme. Funded by the EC.
Jamaica 2010
Design and delivery of two-day seminar on developing a code of conduct and guidelines on conflict of interest for public officials for Ministers, Members of Parliament, members of the judiciary and civil servants. Funded and co-facilitated by the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Division of the Commonwealth Secretariat and held in Montego Bay.
Mozambique 2010
Design and delivery of two-day seminar on developing a code of conduct and guidelines on conflict of interest for public officials for Ministers, Members of Parliament, members of the judiciary and civil servants. Funded and co-facilitated by the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Division of the Commonwealth Secretariat and held in Maputo.
Turkmenistan 2009
Conducted a training needs analysis to assist the National Institute of Democracy and Human Rights to meet the country’s national and international commitments concerning citizen’s complaints. The analysis included a five-day workshop and a two-day seminar held in Ashgabat. Funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Kosovo 2009 – 2012
Project of support to the Office of the Prime Minister, Phase II. The main purpose was to help the Office of the Prime Minister in providing effective support to the whole of Government for co-ordinated and well-informed policy decisions and improved communication with the public. Funded by DFID.
Kosovo 2009 – 2010
Project on developing civic participation and consultation between Government and civil society in two policy areas – environment and youth. Two-year project run in collaboration with the Kosovo Civil Society Foundation and funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Yemen 2009 – 2010
Evaluation of outgoing and identification of incoming support to public administration modernisation in Yemen by drawing lessons from previous donor interventions; investigating innovative approaches to link public administration modernisation to administrative decentralisation and strengthening of local governance; as well as study the potential involvement of Non-State Actors in these processes. Funded by the European Commission.
European Commission Framework Contract on Governance, Home Affairs and Culture (LOT 7) 2001 – 2009
In consortium led by B&S Europe (Belgium), a “framework” contract for the European Commission covering all parts of the world and involving short, focused assignments on project design, implementation and evaluation.
European Commission Framework Contract on Culture, Education, Employment and Social Sectors (LOT 9, Beneficiaries) 2009 – 2012
In consortium led by Cambridge Education (UK), a “framework” contract for the European Commission covering all parts of the world and involving short, focused assignments on project design, implementation and evaluation.
Bangladesh 2009
Review of the DFID funded Managing at the Top (2) programme to assess progress against the purpose of the project. Main tasks included assessing and scoring project achievements according to DFID standards against logframe outputs; assessing the appropriateness and impact of the programme of civil service reform; evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the approach taken and the structure of the programme; reviewing value for money of inputs to date and drafting the Output to Purpose review report.
European Commission Framework Contract on Governance and Home Affairs (LOT 7, Beneficiaries) 2009
In consortium led by COWI (Belgium), a “framework” contract for the European Commission covering all parts of the world and involving short, focused assignments on project design, implementation and evaluation.
Montenegro 2009
End-of-programme evaluation of the project on Human Rights Training for judges, prosecutors, lawyers and law enforcement officials. Funded by the Council of Europe.
Rwanda 2009
Conducted a Project Evaluation Review of a World Bank funded Human Resources Development Project (HRDP) for the Ministry of Education. Assessed the design, quality, flexibility and implementation of the project and how successful it was in meeting its objectives. Considered technical, financial, economic, social and managerial aspects of the HRDP’s implementation. Funded by the World Bank.
Serbia 2009
An end-of-programme evaluation of the project on Human Rights Training for judges, prosecutors, lawyers and law enforcement officials. Funded by the Council of Europe.
Turkmenistan 2009
Designed and delivered a two-day workshop and round-table on law reform, including the formulation of legal policy and law drafting techniques, for participants from the National Institute of Democracy and Human Rights, the Supreme Court, the General Prosecutor’s Office, Government Ministries and the Bar Association. Funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Estonia 2008 – 2009
Delivery of a development programme on policy-making in the field of competitiveness for Estonian senior civil servants. Implemented through four modules: theoretical introduction to competitiveness of special factors affecting Estonia; the UK experience, nationally and regionally, of achieving improvements in competitiveness; case studies and different approaches in an Estonian context and emerging conclusions and action planning for change. Funded by the Estonian State Chancellery.
Ethiopia 2008 – 2009
Advice to the Government on the introduction of a Senior Executive Service as the most senior cadre of the Ethiopian civil service (at both federal and local levels). Prepared a Concept Paper for consideration by the Council of Ministers and developed a full set of procedures, including those relating to recruitment and selection, appointments, training and leadership development; performance contracts, and pay. Funded by DFID.
Georgia 2007 – 2009
Within the framework of the EC funded project on Capacity Building of the State Ministry for Conflict Resolution, provided the services of a Human Resource Management Expert to identify the situation and needs of the human resources of the Office and made proposals for introduction of an appropriate management system.
Montenegro 2007 – 2009
Implementation of budgetary and salary system reform with the objective of increasing fiscal transparency and achieving better-informed decision-making with the budgeting process, as well as strengthening the capacity of the State administration in recruiting, maintaining and rewarding skilled staff. Project was funded by the European Commission and implemented in a consortium led by Human Dynamics.
Kosovo 2003 – 2009
Development of Policy and Planning Capacity in the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) of Kosovo. Advice provided to OPM on the Provisional Institutions of Self Government (PISG) on creation of new organisational structures, the creation of a Government Co-ordination Secretariat and clarification of the respective roles of political advisers and civil servants. Addressed many other centre-of-government issues, including the creation of new ministries, senior appointments, archives and records management and human resource management. In addition, supported the monitoring and implementation of the Standards for Kosovo, both in central government ministries and in the municipalities. Funded by DFID.
Albania 2008
World Bank funded project in support of the Department for Public Administration (DOPA), Government of Albania. Involved reviewing the implementation of Albania’s Law on the Status of Civil Servants; laying out reform options for addressing challenges identified in the Civil Service Law and assisting Government in the implementation of these reforms.
Armenia 2008
EC financed project in support of the Human Rights Defender’s Office for the development of a Twinning Fiche.
Armenia 2008
EC financed project in support of the Human Rights Defender’s Office for the development of a Twinning Fiche.
ENPI East Countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) 2008
Assessment of needs and priorities for development of a regional cooperation programme between the EU and ENPI East countries in the field of culture and preservation. Project funded by the European Commission.
Moldova 2008
Assistance provided to the Government of Moldova Department for Coordinating Policies and External Assistance in designing and implementing a system of analysis, policy coordination and conciliation to improve effectiveness in implementing national development and poverty reduction programmes. Project funded by the World Bank.
Sierra Leone 2008
Project to develop a seven-year strategic plan for re-launching the tourism sector, including a review of legislation and regulations and of the draft tourism policy and action plan, an organisational and infrastructural review of the tourism sector and provision of policy and management recommendations for the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs and the National Tourist Board.
Tajikistan 2008
Development of the civil service remuneration system based on a performance-related incentive scheme. Included development of a civil service job classification and grading system and civil servant wage grid system. Recommendations made for development of a performance pay system. Funded by the World Bank.
United Arab Emirates 2008
Policy and regulation advice, including on long-term strategy, quality and inspection of schools, options for school fees, licensing tariffs and data and knowledge management for the Knowledge and Human Development Authority of Dubai. Funded by the KHDA.
Croatia 2006 – 2008
Strengthening the Public Internal Financial Control structure in line with international and EU standards. Assistance to central government institutions including the Central Harmonisation Unit and regional and local government budget users. Implemented by a consortium led by Sofreco (France). Funded by the European Commission.
Ukraine 2006 – 2008
Support to the Government of Ukraine in the development of EU policy co-ordination mechanism for control and co-ordination of EU policy formulation, analysis, impact assessment and implementation and coordination of donor support for the EU-Ukraine Action Plan implementation. Project implemented in a consortium led by the British Council (Ukraine) and CPM (Latvia). Jointly funded by the UK Department for International Development and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Turkey 2006 – 2008
Assessment of training needs for the senior staff at the European Union General Secretariat. Designing and delivering training modules on communication, negotiation and drafting skills in the context of EU accession. Project funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office Global Opportunity Fund (GOF) and managed by the British Council in Ankara.
Bulgaria 2005 – 2008
Restructuring of the Business Processes for a Unified Collection of Tax and Social Security Contributions for the National Revenue Agency. Project run in consortium with KPMG Bulgaria and Ordina Public BV (Netherlands) and funded by the World Bank.
Liberia 2007 – 2008
Advice on assessment and selection methods for recruiting the Senior Executive Service, Government of Liberia. Aim was to develop a cadre of senior public servants to help transform the Civil Service into a more professional, effective and accountable institution. Project supported the Civil Service Agency, run in collaboration with CoEn Consulting (Ghana) and funded by the Government of Liberia.
Romania 2007 to 2008
Consultancy advice for an EC funded project focused on strengthening the training capacity of the National Institute of Administration (NIA) and Regional Training Centres. Assistance included development and implementation of the HR strategy, internal and external communication skills, institutional development strategy, in-service training strategy, training programmes on developing coaching abilities, revision and improvement of the training programmes offered and updating of the documentary funds. Implemented in a consortium led by Ecole National d’Administration (France).
Lesotho 2007
Assistance provided to the National Authorisation Office and the European Commission with developing a strategy for support to the Government of Lesotho in the area of governance, primarily focused on support to the judiciary, anti-corruption and money laundering as well as national audit. Funded by EC.
Nigeria 2007
Mid-Term Review to assess the performance of the EC programme of support to the Nigerian Electoral Cycle 2006 – 2011 in terms of relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability. Funded by the European Commission.
Afghanistan 2007
Programme of assistance to the Government of Afghanistan in drawing up and implementing a reform programme in the key justice institutions, the Supreme Court, the Attorney’s General Office and the Ministry of Justice in order to contribute to the development of an effective, efficient and equitable justice sector in Afghanistan. Project was funded by the European Commission and implemented in consortium with ASI.
Bulgaria 2006 – 2007
Technical Assistance to the Institute for Public Administration and European Integration (IPAEI) for the design and implementation of development and assessment programme for senior civil servants. Project run in consortium with Nomisma (Italy), ROI (The Netherlands), New-I (Bulgaria) and Sofia Consulting (Bulgaria). Funded by the EC Phare programme.
Croatia 2007
Assessment of the Pay and Benefit system in the public service. Services included assessment of the current legislation and recommendations on design of a new public service pay and benefit system and improvements to the collective bargaining process for the public service. Funded by the World Bank.
Syria 2007
Conducted an end-of-project evaluation of the Cultural Tourism Development Programme aimed at supporting the Syrian Government to promote Syria as a cultural tourist destination. Objective was to help decision-makers in the Government of Syria and the European Commission to assess the impact and sustainability of the Programme.
Turkey 2007
Awareness raising workshop for the Prime Ministry General Directorate of Local Administration and Department for Improvement of Administration, Turkey, on the UK Citizen’s Charter with an emphasis on the water charter and on water subscription issues. Funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office Global Opportunity Fund (GOF) in Ankara.
Jamaica 2006 – 2007
World Bank funded project to transform the Fisheries Division and the Forestry Department of the Ministry of Agriculture into Executive Agencies. Provided advice on public sector modernisation and public finance.
Euromed Countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey) 2006
Assessment of relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the second phase of the Euromed Heritage programme. Our consultants provided information to the EC about the past performance of the programme, lessons learned and recommendations for a possible future phase. Project funded by the European Commission.
Croatia 2006 – 2007
Support to the Ministry of Interior with further development of the National Border Management Information System to extend it on seven border crossing points. Services included project management, system integration, quality assurance, test and acceptance of the system. Funded by the European Commission.
South Africa 2007
Provided consultancy advice for the EC funded Stocktaking Study of EU-South Africa Governance Programme 2000 – 2006 by developing a comprehensive overview, considering resources allocated, partners and results achieved.
Afghanistan 2006
Reviewed and assessed the DFID-funded Support to Strategic Planning for Sustainable Livelihoods project. The review process took stock of progress on the project with a view to designing a second phase.
Cayman Islands 2006
Consultancy advice to the Cayman Islands Government to discuss and assess plans for introducing Freedom of Information legislation. Funded by the Cabinet Office, Cayman Islands Government.
Bangladesh 2006
A policy study and research to determine the scope, role and effectiveness of the civil service in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Funded by UNDP.
Kosovo 2006
Organised and ran an intensive training programme on media presentation skills for staff members of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) Pillar IV. Funded by the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK).
Moldova 2006
Provision of assistance to the Academy of Public Administration in establishing operational capacity to deliver personnel management training to civil servants. A personnel management course was designed, a small group of national trainers was trained and a pilot programme delivered. Project funded by the World Bank.
Nepal 2006
Mid-term review of the Secondary Education Support Programme, Government of Nepal, funded by Danida. Assignment included reviewing progress, drafting a Memorandum of Understanding and advising the Ministry of Education and Sports and the Department of Education on structuring and formation of the budget and accounting procedures.
South Africa 2006
Conducted a final evaluation of the EC funded Capacity Building and Institutional Development for the South African Police Service and the Department of Safety and Security project. Funded by the European Commission.
Ukraine 2006
Assessment of the progress achieved by the Government of Ukraine in the implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan and assistance to the European Commission in preparing an ENP Action Plan implementation review. Project funded by the European Commission.
Macedonia 2000 – 2006
Two substantial and closely-linked consecutive projects in support of public administration reform in Macedonia. Implemented measures to strengthen the public administration and support the reform process in a) policy coordination and strategic planning b) institution and capacity building and c) human resource management. Projects worked closely with the General Secretariat of the Government, Civil Servants Agency and all central government ministries. Designed to complement the World Bank programme of support to Macedonia. Implemented in consortium with HTSPE and funded by DFID.
Sierra Leone 2005 – 2008
Three-year DFID funded project to conduct Management and Functional Reviews Across the Full Range of Government of Sierra Leone Ministries. Project designed to support the Governance Reform Secretariat. Implemented in collaboration with CoEn (Ghana).
Kosovo 2005 – 2006
Assistance to the Office of the Prime Minister of Kosovo in the examination and revision of the draft legislation in relation to its compliance with the Acquis Communautaire. Project funded by the EC.
Nigeria 2005 – 2006
Provision of advice on setting up a joint donor-funding mechanism to support the election in 2007. Work included drafting a Contribution Agreement for the donors and guidelines for managing their Basket Fund. Funded by the European Commission.
Bermuda 2005
The Bermuda Police Service carried out a recruitment exercise in the UK for a senior police officer to manage a project to implement the new Police and Criminal Evidence Act. Our consultant acted as an independent chair of the assessment/selection interview, devised the arrangements for the interview (structured approach, marking scheme, etc.) and gave expert advice on the necessary project management competencies.
Macedonia 2005
Technical assistance for the Sector for the Implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement. Advice provided on setting up the sector and the process of assuming its responsibilities. Project was funded by the European Commission.
Tajikistan 2005
Within the framework of the EC funded Support to Civil Service Reform project in Tajikistan, our consultant ran two workshops for senior civil servants on legal and human resource management aspects of civil service reform. Project implemented by a consortium led by Human Dynamics (Austria).
Bulgaria 2004 – 2005
Human Resource Policy Development Project for the National Revenue Agency. Advised on policies including recruitment, selection, appointment, career progression and dismissal; pay policy; staff planning procedures; job descriptions; developing a human resource management handbook and monitoring and evaluation of policies and procedures. Project funded by DFID.
Czech Republic 2004 – 2005
European Commission Phare funded project on Strengthening Internal Public Financial Control at the regional level. Included preparing a manual and delivering training to all fourteen pilot regional Internal Audit Units in conducting audit, public internal financial control and the use of specialised auditing software.
Georgia 2004 – 2005
Technical assistance to Support the Implementation Process for the Partnership and Co-operation Agreement (PCA). Assistance provided to the PCA Governmental Commission, line ministries in the Government of Georgia and the Parliament of Georgia. Project was funded by the European Commission Tacis programme and implemented in association with Altair Asesores (Spain), BCEOM (France) and the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies.
Kosovo 2004 – 2005
Support to central level administration in development and reinforcement of Internal Audit (IA) and Public Internal Financial Control (PIFC) Systems. Project designed to develop a policy paper on PIFC and the design and delivery of training programmes on PIFC and IA. Implemented in a consortium led by SOFRECO (France) and financed by the EC.
Kygrystan 2004 – 2005
European Commission funded project to support the Ministry of Justice in improving inter-ministerial legislative drafting practices. Assistance provided in legislative drafting, training in the use of a database of draft laws and best practice in compiling an inventory of legal normative acts.
Bulgaria 2003 – 2005
Strengthening of the Public Administration – Implementing Public Administration Reform at the Council of Ministers, Government of Bulgaria. Project focussed on strengthening the capacity in public administration at central and local level to implement the legislation on public administration. Funded by the European Commission Phare programme.
Georgia 2004
Project identification assignment to assess the needs of the Georgia Parliament and prepare a set of recommendations for future projects to support the reform of the Parliament of Georgia under the Tacis Action Plan 2004 and Rapid Reaction Mechanism 2004. Project was funded by the European Commission.
Kosovo 2003 – 2004
A six-month assignment to review the existing classification and reward structure and methodology of the civil service in Kosovo and to develop a modern and coherent pay and grading system. Implemented in collaboration with HELM Corporation and funded by the European Agency for Reconstruction.
Bulgaria 2003 – 2005
Technical Assistance for the preparation of recruitment and training strategy for the Judiciary, led by the British Council and funded by the EC. Project established the basis for a continuous training system for magistrates and administrative court staff members, and for an effective judicial service, capable of meeting the legal standards and practices of the European Union.
Ethiopia 2005
Parliamentary Scoping Mission to assess the needs of the new Federal Parliament and make recommendations about areas of support. Funded by the United Nations Development Programme.
Malawi 2005
Freedom of Information workshop for representatives from the civil service, parliament, the judiciary, parastatal organisations, academic institutions, political parties and non-government organisations. Funded by the British Council, Malawi.
Afghanistan 2004
Provided advice on the draft Civil Service Law, particularly regarding the Independent Civil Service Appeals Commission, the Civil Service Appointments Commission, the Civil Service Employment Authority and the Civil Service Code of Conduct. Assignment funded by the British Council.
Bulgaria 2004
Technical Assistance Project in the Council of Ministers specifying the requirements of a Human Resources Management Information System and its associated Information Technology System to serve the whole state administration. Funded by a Japanese Grant under the auspices of the World Bank.
Croatia 2004
Legislative Drafting Workshop for British Council led project of Support to the Reform of the Civil Service. Funded by the European Commission.
Nigeria 2004
Short assignment to advise the Head of the Nigeria Civil Service and the Bureau of Public Service Reforms on the preparation of a strategic plan for public service reform in Nigeria for submission to the World Bank. Funded by the Commonwealth Secretariat.
Slovakia 2003 – 2004
Series of programmes to train Supreme Court Judges about rules concerning protection of competition in the EU and Slovakia with the aim of ensuring accurate implementation of EU Laws on accession to the EU. Funded by the European Commission.
Bulgaria 2001 – 2004
Three-year project on Performance Appraisal, Pay and Career Progression in the State Administration, Government of Bulgaria. Institutional development of human resource management policies and practices, including introduction of a performance management system, performance appraisal and a pay and grading review. Funded by DFID.
Lesotho 2001 – 2004
Election management, strategic and human resource management guidance and communications and media relations advice for the Independent Electoral Commission in their preparations for the election which took place in Lesotho in 2002. Funded by DFID.
Albania 2003
Preparation of tender dossiers for projects financed under the European Commission CARDS 2003 National Action Programme for Albania in the area of police and organised crime.
Bermuda 2003
At the request of the Head of the Bermuda civil service, designed tailor-made programmes for two groups of civil service officers. The first programme, which was concerned with media relations and speech writing was for public affairs officers from the Department of Communication and Information. The second was for Departmental Heads and concentrated on working with the media, crisis handling strategies and communication planning.
Kyrgyzstan 2003
European Commission funded project of Support for the Centre for Parliamentarism and Legislative Drafting (CPLD). Aimed to strengthen the institutional capacity of the CPLD and improve the legislative drafting skills and procedures at the CPLD and in the Government and the Office of the President.
Kyrgyzstan 2003
European Commission funded project of Support for the Centre for Parliamentarism and Legislative Drafting (CPLD). Aimed to strengthen the institutional capacity of the CPLD and improve the legislative drafting skills and procedures at the CPLD and in the Government and the Office of the President.
Philippines 2002 – 2003
Design and feasibility study to formulate a project focused on strengthening government agencies involved in fighting corruption in the Philippines. Support provided to the Office of the Ombudsman and the Inter-Agency Anti-Graft Co-ordinating Council. Funded by the European Commission.
Croatia 2002 – 2003
Social Protection Project in Croatia providing advice on social assistance to the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare. Funded by the World Bank and DFID.
Jamaica 2002 – 2003
Project to assist the Government of Jamaica in establishing and developing a Public Sector Reform Unit in the Cabinet Office. The Reform Unit provided leadership, co-ordination and monitoring of the Government’s Public Sector Modernisation Strategy. Funded by DFID.
Slovakia 2001 – 2003
Strengthening of parliamentary processes in the Slovak National Council through a programme of workshops in Slovakia and study visits for Deputies and Clerks to the UK Westminster and Scottish Parliaments. Consultancy in a range of specialist areas, including the legislative process, delegated legislation and the organisation of parliamentary business. Funded by DFID.
Slovakia 2000 – 2003
Policy management, budget reform and civil service reform were main components of the Support to Public Administration Reform project. PAI-led consortium with the Civil Service College Directorate of the Centre for Management and Policy Studies, UK Cabinet Office, and Northern Ireland Enterprises (NI-CO). Funded by DFID.
Kyrgyzstan 2002
Evaluation of plans for restructuring two pilot Ministries in accordance with benchmarks of international best practice, on behalf of the United Nations Development Programme’s Programme Management Unit for Political and Administrative Central Governance.
Slovakia 2002
European Commission funded project to Support the National Programme for Decentralisation and Reform of Public Administration in Slovakia. Included a series of seminars for elected representatives to the Self-Governments regional authorities on the process of decentralization at central and local administration level and a series of seminars on human resource management.
Slovakia 2001 – 2002
Project to draft an Ethics Code and the Code of Conduct for journalists and public officials and design a training curriculum in ethics, transparency and access to information. Project carried out in collaboration with the Anti-Corruption Unit in the Office of the Government and funded by the European Commission.
Indonesia 2001
Workshops on Good Governance in Local Government, held in Makassar and Pontianak. Funded by the British Council/DFID.
Romania 2000 – 2001
Civil Service Reform Project based in the Office of the Secretary-General. Main objectives were to develop the Office’s capacity to act as a co-ordinator of Romanian Government policy and to assist it in developing a systematic, coherent and professional approach to human resource management in the civil service. Funded by DFID.
Bulgaria 1998 – 2001
Consultancy project based in the National Social Security Institute. Advice and training on social security policy management, project management and human resource management capacity building. A second phase of the programme completed the personnel work initiated in the first phase and ensured that the reforms were sustainable. DFID funded.
Ghana 1997 – 2001
Technical advice and support to the Head of the Ghanaian Civil Service under the Civil Service Performance Improvement Programme. A comprehensive, “homegrown” reform initiative aimed at building capacity and instituting a good governance culture throughout the civil service. Project won an Innovation Award from the Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management. Funded by DFID.
Czech Republic 2000
European Commission funded project on Strengthening of Institutional and Administrative Capacity for the Implementation of the Acquis Communautaire. Review of the structure and functions of government, human resource management policies, job descriptions, job analysis, recruitment and selection.
Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia 2006 – 2007
Through the FCO’s Global Opportunity Fund (GOF) Reuniting Europe Programme, supported Regulatory Impact Assessment in Central Europe. Project’s purpose was to support and create the mechanisms of regulatory impact assessment (RIA) within the state administrations of the target countries and to upgrade their practices in order to create a more favourable operating environment for business.
Jordan 2012
Lebanon 2000
Human Resource Development Workshop held in Beirut. Organised and funded by the Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform. Participants were drawn from the Lebanese Government, Parliament, the Civil Service, academic institutions and the media.
Mauritius 2014 – 2015
In partnership with PROMAN, Luxembourg, we won a contract in Mauritius: ‘Consultancy Services for the Elaboration of an Action Plan for the Tertiary Education Strategic Plan 2013-2025’. The project was funded by the EC under Framework Contract for Beneficiaries Lot 9. We provided a Human Resources Specialist who was in charge of conducting a training needs assessment and developing a corresponding training plan.
Portuguese-Speaking African Countries and East Timor 2014 – 2015
We implemented a project, under EC Framework Contract Lot 9, in partnership with PROMAN. This was the final evaluation project for the EU’s support to cultural initiatives in PALOP (Portuguese-speaking African countries) and in East Timor.
Romania 1997 – 1999
Civil Service Reform Project based in the Office of the Secretary-General. Main objectives were to develop the Office’s capacity to act as a co-ordinator of Romanian Government policy and to assist it in developing a systematic, coherent and professional approach to human resource management in the civil service. Funded by DFID.
Somalia 2014 – 2015
Our project in Somalia focused on providing pay and grading advice for the Somalia Government. This was part of a DFID-funded Public Sector Capacity Development Flagship Programme being managed by Coffey International Development. Our consultant prepared options to develop a system of civil servants’ pay and grading which is equitable, competitive with the private sector and fiscally sustainable.
Latvia 1999
Development and implementation of a public relations strategy in the context of Latvia’s preparations for EU accession for the European Integration Bureau, Government of Latvia. Funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Poland 1997 – 1999
Consultancy inputs and special study programmes for the Ministry of National Education under a project on Strategic Measures for Achieving Reform Targets. Worked with senior Polish Government officials to develop and strengthen their Strategic Policy Unit. Funded by the European Commission Phare programme.
Gambia 1998
Staff audit and a staff development project for the Management Development Institute, The Gambia Technical Training Centre and Gambia College. Funded by the Commonwealth Secretariat.
Poland 1998
Management training in Krakow for local government administrators. Overall aim was to prepare local authorities for managing economic development and attracting inward investment. Funded by the British Council.
Estonia 1996 – 1997
Strategic and policy formulation, management functions and preparation for EU accession project in support of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Funded by the European Commission Phare programme.