Our main areas of competence

Good governance and public administration reform
Democracy, transparency, accountability, ethics, anti-corruption, public service delivery, elections, institutional development, efficiency reviews, better regulation

Leadership and organisational change
Institutional development, efficiency reviews, organisation analysis and re-structuring, performance management, strategic leadership and managing change

Policy and strategy
Policy making and analysis, policy evaluation, consultation with the public, poverty reduction, public-private partnerships, strategic planning

Human resource management
Recruitment and selection, appointments, human resources policy and practice, performance appraisal, public sector pay, grading and job evaluation, pensions, human resource information systems, appeals

Capacity development and training
Training needs analysis, design and delivery of training programmes, workshops and seminars, training of trainers, evaluating training, developing individual and organizational skills and capacity

Public finance and economic development
Budgeting, public expenditure, audit, international accounting standards, social and economic development, inward investment, private sector development, trade policy and promotion, procurement

Legal and judicial reform
Public law, access to justice, the role of the Ombudsman, human rights, legal drafting, law reform, judicial administration, prison and probation services, European integration and the approximation of laws

Information and communications
Government and the media, crisis communications, social media, records and information management, freedom of information

Project management, monitoring and evaluation
Project and programme management, project risk management, design and implementation of evaluation studies, impact evaluation, sectoral and cross-cutting evaluations, quantitative and qualitative evaluations