
Welcome to PAI’s news and views page. You will find news on recent consultancy projects, information on our range of workshops and insights from Workshop Directors and speakers and feedback from participants. 

Our new project in Montenegro

File:Flag of Montenegro.svg - Wikimedia CommonsIn collaboration with the European Policy Center (CEP) in Serbia, we have been awarded a contract by the United Nations Office for Project Services to support the Ministry of European Affairs and the Administration for Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Affairs in Montenegro to revise the existing legal framework related to plant protection products.  The main aim is to identify gaps and discrepancies in relation to relevant EU regulations and directives and to provide recommendations for drafting legislative amendments needed for harmonising Montenegrin legislation and regulations with that of the EU.

Going back to The Gambia

We’re so pleased to have won another project for the Government of The Gambia.  Our team of consultants has just started work on a World Bank funded project to conduct a horizontal functional review of all the Gambian Ministries and a selection of Agencies.  This will be an intensive assignment as there are over fifty institutions to review in just three months.  Our team will be identifying overlaps and gaps in organisational mandates and functions in order to improve the operational effectiveness and efficiency of the Government.

Continuing support for the Government of Barbados

We’re very pleased to be invited to implement another project in Barbados, to conducting Functional Reviews of Six Government Ministries for the Government. Our team of international and Barbadian consultants are assessing the core functions, organisational structures and staffing in each of the six pilot Ministries to: determine their strategic alignment within the respective Ministry; assess the overall effectiveness and efficiency of each Ministry in achieving their mandate; provide recommendations for greater strategic alignment across Government.  The project is the second one we have won under the Government’s Public Sector Reform Programme, funded by the Inter-American Development Bank.

Developing a National Anti-Corruption Strategy for Jamaica

Our new project in Jamaica has just started.  We’re very pleased to be working with the Integrity Commission to support them in developing a National Anti-Corruption Strategy.  Our team of two consultants, one from Canada and the other from Jamaica, will be conducting research into the integrity and anti-corruption environment in Jamaica, exploring strategies in other comparable countries, assisting the Integrity Commission in carrying out consultation exercises with a wide range of stakeholders, including of course with Jamaican citizens.  They will then draft the Strategy and an implementation plan.  The assignment is funded by the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund, UK Government.

Strategy development for the Bank of Ghana

We had the great pleasure of welcoming members of the Strategic Planning and Budget Committee from the Bank of Ghana to PAI for a strategy development workshop recently.  This high-level programme explored strategic thinking, scenario planning, stakeholder engagement, assessing the cost of strategies, planning for implementation, strategy monitoring and evaluation, reporting on and communicating decisions.  We wish the participants well with their important work and advice for the Bank in the future.

Previous News Articles

Supporting Good Governance in Albania - click to read more
Good governance at the centre of Government, North Macedonia - click to read more
Ukraine on the road to recovery - click to read more
Bangladesh study visit to London - click to read more
The Slynn Foundation Seminar - click to read more
PAI behavioural insights experts in North Macedonia - click to read more 
Human resources transformation project, Barbados- click to read more 
Evaluating jobs in the public sector, Croatia- click to read more 
Welcome back, NIMASA- click to read more 

The Archive

To read articles and news back from 2020 and 2021, please click here