Welcome to PAI

(Public Administration International)

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We design and deliver professional development workshops in the UK & Overseas.
Consultancy services
We offer a comprehensive range of consultancy services, particularly for governments and related organisations implementing programmes of reform, democratisation and poverty reduction.

We specialise in management consultancy and development services internationally and offer expert advice to governments going through political, constitutional, economic and structural change.

Our key objectives are promoting good governance and good practice in delivering public services.

Set up in 1995, we have worked on more than 165 projects in 63 different countries around the world and have welcomed over 3,400 senior policy makers and managers from at least 158 countries to our international professional development workshops and training courses.

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Projects Worldwide

Workshop participants worldwide

Nationalities welcomed in our workshops, so far

Workshop overview

We design and deliver professional development workshops in the UK and other countries, providing policy makers and senior managers with and opportunity to update their knowledge of public service structures and systems in the UK and elsewhere.

Regular workshops
Tailored workshops
  • International Accounting Standards: Implementing IPSAS and IFRS - Dubai
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  • Leading and Managing for Results
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  • High Impact Leadership: Creating real value in public services
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  • Advanced People Engagement Skills: Getting the best out of your people
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  • Better Policies; Better Lives: Using behavioural insights to evaluate and improve policy making
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  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning - Dubai
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  • Practical Project Planning and Control - Dubai
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  • Public Financial Management: Aiming for excellence
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  • Strategic Public Financial Management
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  • Developing Best Practice Financial Management
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  • Improving Your Organisation's Pay and Grading System
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  • Emotional Intelligence: A critical element of organisational success
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  • Fraud and Corruption: Prevention and detection - Dubai
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  • Better Regulation of Essential Services
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  • Next Generation Human Resources: Transforming people management in the public sector
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  • Leaders as Change Agents
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  • Change Agents week one: Planning and implementing your change strategy
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  • Change Agents week two: Leading agile and responsive change
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  • Re-Energising the Public Sector: Motivation, productivity and getting results from leaders, managers and frontline staff
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  • Smart Cities: Digital and technological solutions - Dubai
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  • When Citizens Complain: For Ombudsman offices, Human Rights Commissions and complaint handling organisations
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  • International Accounting Standards: IPSAS, IFRS and implementation
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  • Accounting Standards week one: Understanding the requirements
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  • Accounting Standards week two: Towards excellence in practice
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  • Making Policy More Effective
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  • Policy Analysis and Use of Evidence
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  • Impact Assessment and Evaluation
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  • Inspiring Leadership: Unlocking high performance from individuals and teams
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  • Inspiring Leadership week one: Engaging and motivating individuals and teams
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  • Inspiring Leadership week two: Results-Oriented Management: All about people
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  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Learning the lessons
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  • Innovating in the Public Sector
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  • From Policy to Legislation
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  • Advanced Legislative Drafting: Sharpening your drafting skills
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  • Corporate Governance and Board Effectiveness
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  • Providing Public and Private Pensions in a Rapidly Changing World
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  • Smart Cities: Digital and technological solutions
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  • Successful Law Reform: Practical issues today
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  • Managing the Performance of Your Organisation - Dubai
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  • Putting People First: Practical ways of improving customer service - Dubai
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  • Justice, Fairness and the Rule of Law: Improving legal systems and achieving better governance
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  • Communicating in Unprecedented Times: Lessons for governments
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  • Parliamentary Administration: Structures and procedures
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  • Combating Fraud and Corruption in Rapidly Changing Societies
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  • Combating Fraud and Corruption: Prevention and detection
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  • Fraud and Corruption: Investigation, prosecution and sanctions
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  • Judicial Leadership and Judicial Management: Balancing leadership, independence and efficiency in the judicial system
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  • Gender Matters: Integrating gender into development policy and programming
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  • Translating Strategy Into Policies That Work
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  • Digital Transformation of Public Services
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  • Negotiation and Mediation Skills
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  • Judicial Administration
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  • Transforming Criminal Justice: Partnership working and multi-agency approaches
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  • How to Improve an Organisation’s Effectiveness
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  • Internal Audit and Risk Management: Effective, accountable and inclusive organisations
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  • Managing the Performance of your Organisation
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Consultancy overview

We offer a comprehensive range of consultancy services, particularly for governments and related organisations implementing programmes of reform, democratisation and poverty reduction.

List of project references
  • The Gambia 2024
    A World Bank funded project to conduct a horizontal functional review of all the Gambian Ministries and a selection of Agencies.  This is an intensive assignment covering over fifty...
  • Lesotho 2017
    Assisting the Department of Policy and Strategic Planning within the Ministry of Development Planning to formulate a National Human Resources/ Manpower Development Policy. Services included consultations/stakeholder meetings/workshops, conducting a skills...
  • West Bank and Gaza 2015 - 2016
    Assignment to identify social protection needs and formulate new projects to support social protection, in line with national and sector strategies, during the period 2016 to 2018. EC funded...
  • Palestine 2012 - 2015
    Independent external evaluation of programme on Improving Food Security for People in Gaza. Programme implemented by the World Food Programme and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. Implemented...
  • Tanzania 2014
    Project to design and deliver a series of pilot training modules for the Uongozi Institute (the Institute of African Leadership for Sustainable Development), Tanzania. Modules included Joined-Up Government, Effective...
  • Southern Sudan 2013 - 2014
    Core Skills Training (Phase II) Project to provide capacity development for the civil service in human resource management, English language, business English and gender awareness. Based in Juba and...
  • Sudan 2012 - 2014
    Technical Assistance for the International Partners’ Forum for Human Rights. The project was aimed at enhancing and protecting human rights in Sudan through increasing the effectiveness of the International...
  • Gambia 2013
    Restructuring of the pay and grading system of the Gambian Civil Service, including determining job categories, developing a salary structure, providing guidelines on job analysis procedures and training key...
  • Namibia 2013
    Development of a public relations strategy and training in public relations and communications for Members of Parliament and staff of the Namibian Parliament. Funded by the European Commission’s European...
  • Liberia 2012 - 2013
    Assistance to the Government Commission in developing an integrated three-year organisational strategic plan that links programme support and outputs for the mandate areas to guide policy development and implementation...
  • Africa 2009 - 2012
    DFID funded project of support to leadership and mentoring for leaders in five African countries – Ethiopia, Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Zambia - as part of the Africa...
  • Eritrea 2011 - 2013
    European Commission funded project to provide long-term support to the Eritrean Centre for Organisational Excellence (ERCOE), Government of the State of Eritrea. Involved enhancing the efficiency, effectiveness and accountability...
  • Iraq 2011
    Provided advice to the EU and the Iraqi Government on the design of the Higher Legal Education Programme.
  • Rwanda 2011
    Job Evaluation, Grading and Career Progression project for the Civil Service, Government of Rwanda. Project based in the Ministry of Labour and Public Service. Funded by the World Bank.
  • Afghanistan 2008 -2011
    A three-year project in support of the Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission (IARCSC) to implement the Government’s new pay and grading policy.  Our team of consultants re-graded junior...
  • Ethiopia 2010
    Advice to the Ethiopian Institution of the Ombudsman on Freedom of Information legislation and its implementation and on records management principles and practice. Funded by the Ethiopian Institution of...
  • Mozambique 2010
    Design and delivery of two-day seminar on developing a code of conduct and guidelines on conflict of interest for public officials for Ministers, Members of Parliament, members of the...
  • Yemen 2009 - 2010
    Evaluation of outgoing and identification of incoming support to public administration modernisation in Yemen by drawing lessons from previous donor interventions; investigating innovative approaches to link public administration modernisation...
  • Rwanda 2009
    Conducted a Project Evaluation Review of a World Bank funded Human Resources Development Project (HRDP) for the Ministry of Education. Assessed the design, quality, flexibility and implementation of the...
  • Ethiopia 2008 - 2009
    Advice to the Government on the introduction of a Senior Executive Service as the most senior cadre of the Ethiopian civil service (at both federal and local levels). Prepared...
  • Sierra Leone 2008
    Project to develop a seven-year strategic plan for re-launching the tourism sector, including a review of legislation and regulations and of the draft tourism policy and action plan, an...
  • Tanzania 2008
    Assessment of the capacity of the Prime Minister’s Office, Local Government Reform Programme (PMO-RALG), to implement the Government of Tanzania’s decentralisation by devolution policy. Examined the capacity of the...
  • United Arab Emirates 2008
    Policy and regulation advice, including on long-term strategy, quality and inspection of schools, options for school fees, licensing tariffs and data and knowledge management for the Knowledge and Human...
  • Liberia 2007 - 2008
    Advice on assessment and selection methods for recruiting the Senior Executive Service, Government of Liberia. Aim was to develop a cadre of senior public servants to help transform the...
  • Lesotho 2007
    Assistance provided to the National Authorisation Office and the European Commission with developing a strategy for support to the Government of Lesotho in the area of governance, primarily focused...
  • Nigeria 2007
    Mid-Term Review to assess the performance of the EC programme of support to the Nigerian Electoral Cycle 2006 – 2011 in terms of relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability. Funded...
  • Afghanistan 2007
    Programme of assistance to the Government of Afghanistan in drawing up and implementing a reform programme in the key justice institutions, the Supreme Court, the Attorney’s General Office and...
  • Syria 2007
    Conducted an end-of-project evaluation of the Cultural Tourism Development Programme aimed at supporting the Syrian Government to promote Syria as a cultural tourist destination. Objective was to help decision-makers...
  • South Africa 2007
    Provided consultancy advice for the EC funded Stocktaking Study of EU-South Africa Governance Programme 2000 – 2006 by developing a comprehensive overview, considering resources allocated, partners and results achieved.
  • Nigeria 2000 - 2007
    Part of a consortium for a major State and Local Government Project in Nigeria. Four pilot states, Benue, Enugu, Ekiti and Jigawa, were selected with the aim of extending...
  • Afghanistan 2006
    Reviewed and assessed the DFID-funded Support to Strategic Planning for Sustainable Livelihoods project.  The review process took stock of progress on the project with a view to designing a second...
  • South Africa 2006
    Conducted a final evaluation of the EC funded Capacity Building and Institutional Development for the South African Police Service and the Department of Safety and Security project. Funded by...
  • Sierra Leone 2005 - 2008
    Three-year DFID funded project on the Establishment of a Human Resource Management Office and Implementation of a Records Management Improvement Programme. PAI worked in collaboration with the International Records...
  • Nigeria 2005 - 2006
    Provision of advice on setting up a joint donor-funding mechanism to support the election in 2007. Work included drafting a Contribution Agreement for the donors and guidelines for managing...
  • Ethiopia 2005
    Parliamentary Scoping Mission to assess the needs of the new Federal Parliament and make recommendations about areas of support.  Funded by the United Nations Development Programme.
  • Malawi 2005
    Freedom of Information workshop for representatives from the civil service, parliament, the judiciary, parastatal organisations, academic institutions, political parties and non-government organisations. Funded by the British Council, Malawi.
  • Afghanistan 2004
    Provided advice on the draft Civil Service Law, particularly regarding the Independent Civil Service Appeals Commission, the Civil Service Appointments Commission, the Civil Service Employment Authority and the Civil...
  • Nigeria 2004
    Short assignment to advise the Head of the Nigeria Civil Service and the Bureau of Public Service Reforms on the preparation of a strategic plan for public service reform...
  • Lesotho 2001 - 2004
    Election management, strategic and human resource management guidance and communications and media relations advice for the Independent Electoral Commission in their preparations for the election which took place in...
  • Africa 2003
    Management Needs Review of seven Irish Embassies in Africa (Ethiopia, Lesotho, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia) funded by the Development Co-Operation Ireland, Department of Foreign Affairs, Government of...
  • Namibia 2003
    Advice to the Namibia Water Resources Management Review Team, Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development, on setting up the Namibia Water Resources Management Agency, the first Executive Agency...
  • Ghana 1997 - 2001
    Technical advice and support to the Head of the Ghanaian Civil Service under the Civil Service Performance Improvement Programme.  A comprehensive, “homegrown” reform initiative aimed at building capacity and instituting...
  • Jordan 2012
    Project of support to the Jordanian Government in identifying key areas of the Jordanian social protection system which could be improved and suggesting specific areas which would benefit from a programme of...
  • Lebanon 2000
    Human Resource Development Workshop held in Beirut.  Organised and funded by the Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform.  Participants were drawn from the Lebanese Government, Parliament, the Civil Service,...
  • Portuguese-Speaking African Countries and East Timor 2014 - 2015
    We implemented  a project, under EC Framework Contract Lot 9, in partnership with PROMAN. This was the final evaluation project for the EU’s support to cultural initiatives in PALOP...
  • Somalia 2014 - 2015
    Our  project in Somalia focused on providing pay and grading advice for the Somalia Government. This was part of a DFID-funded Public Sector Capacity Development Flagship Programme being managed...
  • Gambia 1998
    Staff audit and a staff development project for the Management Development Institute, The Gambia Technical Training Centre and Gambia College. Funded by the Commonwealth Secretariat.
  • Egypt 1997
    Series of lectures and seminars on the UK Public Sector Reform Experience for Egyptian academics, students and practitioners. Held at Cairo University and funded by the British Council.

Knowledge for Reform Action in the Western Balkans

PAI is leading a consortium which has been awarded a Long-Term Agreement with the United Nations Office for Project Support (UNOPS) to provide consultancy services associated with the EU accession negotiation process and EU harmonisation for countries in the Western ... Read more

European Commission Framework Contract “Services for EU’s External Action” (SEA 2023)

PAI is a member of a consortium led by IBF which has recently been awarded a contract under Lot 9 of the EC framework contract “Services for EU’s External Action” (SEA 2023). The objective of this framework contract is to ... Read more
We are currently looking for associate consultants in a variety of locations

Latest news

Cubans visit PAI

Cubans visit PAI

Following our previous successful collaboration with the University of Havana, Ministry of Higher Education in Cuba, we hosted experts from the University’s Centre for the Study of Public Administration at ... Read More
Changes to the team at PAI

Changes to the team at PAI

Clare Walters, our Programme Manager, has started a new chapter in her life as she has recently taken early retirement from PAI.  Clare has been a friend and colleague for ... Read More
PAI re-selected for UK Aid framework contract

PAI re-selected for UK Aid framework contract

We are delighted to hear that we have been re-appointed as consultants for the next phase of the UK’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) Framework Contract.  Designed to provide ... Read More
Successful justice sector reform

Successful justice sector reform

Ongoing legal and judicial reforms focus on enhancing the performance of court systems – in particular – court administration. These measures seek to ensure appropriate methods and are used to improve ... Read More
Procurement and contract management

Procurement and contract management

Modern business, whether in the public, private or non-government sector, relies on good financial controls, efficient and effective services and achieving value for money both for the organisation and its ... Read More

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PAI - Public Administration International
56 Russell Square

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