We are looking for consultants who are interested in opportunities available under the Lot 9 of the EC BENEFICIARIES 2013 framework contract procedure (click here for more information) that covers “Culture, Education, Employment and Social”.
The required areas of expertise include:
- Culture
- Early childhood education (Pre-school education)
- Primary education
- Secondary education
- Higher education
- Basic life skills for youth and adults
- Education sector analysis, reform, management
- Elementary vocational training, secondary level technical education, advanced technical training
- VET sub-sector analysis, reform, management
- Structure and characteristics of the labour force
- Labour market settings/management, employment services, related offices
- Wage policy and labour market
- Social dialogue
- Job creation
- Use of Information and Knowledge Economy
- Social situation and impact analysis
- Social policy institutions, their management
- Pension policy, legislation, systems reform
- Social inclusion, assistance policies / systems
- Poverty analysis / monitoring
If you have the required experience and would like to be considered for opportunities available under this framework contract procedure, please email us your current CV to pai@public-admin.co.uk together with the completed Key Information Form.