Public Administration International

We design and deliver professional development workshops in the UK and overseas

We offer a comprehensive range of consultancy services, particularly for governments and related organisations implementing programmes of reform, democratisation and poverty reduction

Welcome to PAI

We specialise in management consultancy and development services internationally and offer expert advice to governments going through political, constitutional, economic and structural change.

Our key objectives are promoting good governance and good practice in delivering public services.

Set up in 1995, we have worked on more than 170 projects in 65 different countries around the world and have welcomed over 3,500 senior policy makers and managers from at least 160 countries to our international professional development workshops and training courses.

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Projects Worldwide

Workshop participants worldwide

Nationalities welcomed in our workshops, so far
We are currently looking for associate consultants in a variety of locations.

Knowledge for Reform Action in the Western Balkans

PAI is leading a consortium which has been awarded a Long-Term Agreement with the United Nations Office for Project Support (UNOPS) to provide consultancy services associated with the EU accession negotiation process and EU harmonisation for countries in the Western ... Read more

European Commission Framework Contract “Services for EU’s External Action” (SEA 2023)

PAI is a member of a consortium led by IBF which has recently been awarded a contract under Lot 9 of the EC framework contract “Services for EU’s External Action” (SEA 2023). The objective of this framework contract is to ... Read more

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PAI - Public Administration International
56 Russell Square

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